Common things commonly occur.
Don’t be afraid to go for the home run – if they need lots of work and you have the vision, then spell it out for them. Aeshetic work – ask the question, “are you happy with your smile?” – open the box to let them chat about it. Make them aware of their options. Alot of the time the patient didn’t know you could do that for them.
Specific situations e.g wearing a denture and could change to bridge\implant.
Whitening – if their teeth are yellow, well make sure your teeth are bleached and give them a big smile, and say ‘you can look like me!’. Advertise your services in your reception – don’t hang pictures of tropical island getaways Sales targets. – definitely , but only treat what is required.
Don’t look at the day sheet and assume that is your day, be prepared to turn that broken tooth visit into a crown prep , the filling into an inlay, ask your patient to come back later in the day to continue a large case because you got a gap or someone just cancelled, squeeze in that toothache- fitting them in engenders so much goodwill.